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"...wakes up your senses and gives you that kick to the eardrums you have been looking for."
~Carly Weber - The Gazette
"Iowa City's most raucous Celts." "Their take on traditional Irish tunes always has the audience singing along - But it's their original tunes that have solidified their place as a highlight of Iowa's musical landscape."
~Genevieve Trainor - Little Village
"You guys are fun, a lot of energy, you sing songs that make people feel like home even if the Isles aren't any of our homes..."
~Jeni Grouws - KDEC
"Like a Celtic freight train, playing traditional and original Celtic Pub tunes."
~ Anonymous
"If you like traditional/Folk, you must must must get these guys!"
~Angela W.
"Do not trust their recipes for Holiday favorites! It is all just a list of one ingredient. They certainly are not trained chefs. Do not try to make chili with only whiskey."
~ Margurlsus Altsmithers - Professional Reviewer Guy
"I am still waiting for my live goldfish!"
~ Farengar - Fictional NPC
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